Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Swimming along

All three little fish are now swimming merrily along in the "Fantasy Fishbowl"!

The little fellow on the left was stitched with Vineyard Silk Classic "Citron" and "Dandelion"as well as the "Bright White" and black Trio from the first fish. I'd originally thought to capitalize on the angle of this fish by using a diagonal mosaic stitch, but after the first row I said "Yuck!" and ripped it out. I did put a couple of long stitches in for his mouth--I was humming "Give me back that filet o' fish" at the time--but the main portion of his body was stitched in basketweave. His tail was worked in slanted long stitches with a few long stitches of "Dandelion" laid on top. A cross stitch of Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #005 formed his eye.

The fish at the bottom incorporated the same threads in a combination of satin and tent stitches with a cross stitch of Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #019 for his eye.

I've assembled my threads for the seaweed, practiced a lot on doodle canvas, and now it's time to take a deep breath and start stitching!


Luna said...

What do you mean "practice a lot on doodle canvas"? What's doodle canvas?

Anne Stradal said...

"Doodle" canvas is blank, scrap canvas that can be used to try out or practice stitches before you stitch on the actual canvas you're working on. In the case of the seaweed, I'll be stitching over previously-stitched areas and don't want to mess up the work I've already done!

Possibilities, Etc. said...

LOL on the "doodle canvas." I keep a whole drawerful of that. Scraps leftover. I love the fish! They look very happy - and will love it when they have seaweed for their underwater garden. I look forward to this, as I'm doing battle with the saltwater version here.

Unknown said...

Humm . . . The fish on the bottom looks like the offspring of the other two.

Front Range Stitcher said...

Delightful! I especially love the 'pebblies' on the bottom.