Saturday, May 26, 2012

A touch of velvet

I began stitching the red and gold ornament with Petite Very Velvet V632 from my stash. PVV is high on my list of favorite threads--it's so easy to work with and gives great texture to a simple ornament like this one. Since I plan to work the rest of the design in DMC floss, the PVV will add a little dimension to the top, bottom and center sections of the finished piece.

The filigree at top and bottom and the diamonds in the center band were worked in Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #002. Smyrna crosses accentuate the inside and the outside points of the diamonds.

So far, so good--now to begin filling in the ovals!

1 comment:

Needle Nicely said...

And just an occasional rub of the velvet while you're doing other stitching? I would.