Sunday, July 19, 2009

Catch of the day

Slowly but surely, I'm getting to the bottom of the Lobsterman nutcracker canvas!

After finishing the stitching of his slicker with the Silk & Ivory "Big Canary," I added the closures using Kreinik #16 medium braid #002V. This thread has been in my stash for ages, dating back to the days before Kreinik kindly introduced its #12 tapestry braid for those of us for whom #8 fine braid was too thin and #16 medium braid was too fat for 18-count canvas.

I then "went fishing" for a thread for the lobster itself. I needed something to provide contrast to the Silk & Ivory as well as the perle cotton of the life preserver AND was the right shade of red. (No need to remind the kiddies that lobsters in their fresh-from-the-water state are actually an ugly greenish-black and don't achieve the characteristic "lobster red" until they've emerged from a boiling water bath!) I decided on good old DMC cotton floss #817, working each segment of the lobster in a satin stitch. I've had a fair amount of experience dissecting these crustaceans, so I'm familiar with where all the joints are!

I'm on the home stretch now, and should be able to wrap this little fellow up for the finisher in a day or two!


Cyn said...


Great progress!

I like what you did with the lobster!

We also have that issue around here as everyone shows a blue crab as red when that means it's been cooked. It's amazing what people will show that a cooked crab can do, especially the advertising guys! :-)

And while I'm writing this, DS and DH are watching Spongebob Squarepants! LOL!!!

Windy Meadow

Possibilities, Etc. said...

Great looking lobster! I was horrified as a child when Mother took me to Ft. Worth to eat in a restaurant where one could choose one's lobster from an aquarium full of live ones - they were green. I didn't realize they were boiled alive to make them turn red. However, it didn't interfere with my love of lobster tails and drawn butter. Sand dollars are also hideous little furry greenish yellow things when they are alive. They have to be bleached in the sun and the insides cleaned out by ants to make them presentable. I don't tell my grandchildren that.