Sunday, February 9, 2014

Adding some color

Jane Seymour now has sleeves and an underdress.

These areas were worked in a framed mosaic stitch with three plies of DMC cotton floss #920, a pretty close match to the color in the Hans Holbein portrait.

Besides its diminutive size, the framed mosaic stitch offers additional flexibility when working with even- and odd-count thread areas.  The sleeves, for instance, are eight canvas threads deep, while the underdress is an odd number in width.

I added some "gems" to Jane's necklace and waist medallion in cross stitches using Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #3503.

1 comment:

Needle Nicely said...

I use variations of the mosaic often, but never think of the framed mosaic. It really is an effective stitch.