Saturday, February 6, 2010

Topped. grounded and surrounded!

The lantern room of the Jeffrey's Hook lighthouse is now complete, with the roof worked in DMC floss #310 in a satin stitch. The base of the lantern room was worked in a Scotch stitch variation with white DMC floss. Two Kreinik #12 tapestry braids were also used: #002 for the beacon and #025 for the railing.

I then moved to the tower foundation, using DMC #5 perle cotton #644. The cap was worked in a slanted gobelin stitch over two threads, with the rest of the foundation in a Nobuko stitch.

I'm planning on using floss for the red of the lighthouse and wanted the fence which surrounds it more substantial to give the illusion of depth. So I worked this area with black DMC #5 perle cotton in tent stitch for the narrower slats and a vertical gobelin stitch over two threads for the wider slats.

Next up: a lot of red thread!


Cyn said...

Hi Anne,

It looks great!

Get ready, I think our huge winter storm is header your way if it's not there already!

We are still waiting to hear the final snow count for our area but we know we are above 24 inches!

Windy Meadow

Possibilities, Etc. said...

This is amazing! I like what you do on the architectural elements with the stitches - simple and very effective. What would we do without Nobuko?? In my world right now, it makes fine sand at the bottom of the sea.

Edy said...

Loving this one!

Carolyn McNeil said...

Your choice for the fence is a good one. A 3-D effect enhances most needlepoint, I've found. The lighthouse is coming along great!
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