Friday, February 27, 2009

Sliding in on a banana peel

There are only two more days left in February!--my, how time flies when you're having fun! I was asked to adapt my guardian angel design for an ornament to support the American Heart Association, and have just squeaked in under the line.

This little Heart angel is wearing a red dress of Petite Very Velvet, trimmed with Kreinik #8 fine braid. I stitched her halo in basketweave using Kreinik #12 braid, so why did I switch to #8 for the dress? I have found that the nap of Petite Very Velvet plumps up as it's stitched, making the tapestry braid a bit of a tight fit. The fine braid, on the other hand, slides in nicely and performs a more-than-adequate job of making the Smyrna crosses sit up at attention.

Her hair was styled in long stitches using "Coffee Bean" Silk & Ivory, and the sleeves and hem of the dress were stitched with "Bright White" Vineyard Silk. I've started stitching a back for her, but will have to make an end-run to my LNS since I've run out of Petite Very Velvet!

1 comment:

Possibilities, Etc. said...

She is just awfully pretty! Thanks.