Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Slow but steady progress

Paint by day, stitch by night: that's been the modus operandi around here for the better part of the month! It's not terribly conducive to blog progress, but Chocolate continues to evolve slowly but steadily.

I finished stitching the background with DMC floss Ecru and Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #002. Using a "white chocolate" background dictated that I darken the skin tones of the dancers so their arms and legs wouldn't disappear. I used DMC floss #3774 for the ballerina and DMC floss #950 for her partner.

On to the costumes! I used black Petite Very Velvet for the ballerina's bodice and her partner's hat and tunic--a dash of dark chocolate here! Alternating with the rows of PVV, I added Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #2122 in tent stitches for a little bit of bling. There's still more costuming to do, so I'll see how much progress I can make in the next couple of evenings!


Anonymous said...

It's certainly looking good so far. I do like dark chocolate!

Possibilities, Etc. said...

and now the fun begins - her hair and the tutu. I like this one very much.

Cool City Stitcher said...

I'm liking this one a lot, but then I've said that about all of them.

Jan said...

They look scrumptious! Everything is coming together very well. I'm sure you have another wonderful way to stitch the tutu on this one and I can't wait to see it.