Those of you who subscribe to Needlepoint Now magazine, and who have received your copy of the September/October 2011 issue, may have already met "Neville." He's the faceless but dapper model of my "Savile Row" design that I used to show how easy it can be to replicate fabrics and patterns in needlepoint.
Neville was so much fun to stitch, I decided to work up another design highlighting traditional menswear fashions.
Unlike Neville, however, who measured in at 11 inches square, his little brother--Nigel--is only five inches square and fits in the top of a Sudberry House "Betsy" box. I can't think of a more stylish way to organize all that loose pocket change spilling over the top of a man's dresser!
Nigel is a combination of a stitch-painted canvas and a line drawing: a lot of the pattern will be stitched into the open areas. I'm looking forward to stitching this project and hope you'll stop by to check on my progress!
Can't wait to see how you clothe Nigel--you did such a great job with Neville's outfit.
I like this one a lot and I'm eager to see you stitch it. (Now Im wondering where my magazine is!)
I just love these. Can't wait to see how you stitch this. And I have lots of mn in my life so I will be watching closely!
Never seen any canvases like this before. A very interesting design. Should be an interesting piece to stitch.
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