Saturday, March 28, 2009

Polishing my halo

I'm trying very hard to keep my belated resolutions for 2009, so I finished the Egg for All Seasons that had "gone missing" in my office/studio. This one's called "Baroque," a simple yet graceful little ornament.

"Baroque" was stitched with black Petite Very Velvet, Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #002, and white DMC cotton floss.

Now that this project is finished, the siren song of a new, unstitched canvas is calling to me. There are less than nine months until Christmas, so I think I'd better answer the call and work on the canvas Gail Hendrix painted for me to give my son. After all, getting that ornament finished was another resolution!


Possibilities, Etc. said...

Please don't forget your resolution to do the Navajo jewelry on black canvas you mentioned a while back. Fit that one in somewhere in this plan.

Front Range Stitcher said...

What's this about the Navajo jewelry? I'm casting my vote for that one too.