Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ready to go!

The three postcards, designed by Denise DeRusha and stitched for our son by yours truly, are back from the framer and ready to be mailed out!

As any of you who've tried to photograph a piece framed with glass know, it's a tricky proposition! To avoid a reflection, we propped the frame against a living room chair at an angle. The result is a little dark, but you get the general idea!

I think the framer did a great job--just hope the recipient likes it!


Edy said...

Can't see how he won't!

Cool City Stitcher said...

What a great gift, and will add a conversation piece to any room. The framing is perfect.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

This looks fabulous. Of course he'll love it! It is a terrific gift that he'll treasure forever.

Possibilities, Etc. said...

It's really really fine looking - he'll treasure that his entire life. Also, it takes his mother with him wherever he goes, as your love was in the stitching (so my boys tell me)

Terri said...

Looks fantastic Anne. I know he will love it :)

Anonymous said...

I like this framing, it is perfect. I'm sure your son will love it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, they did a wonderful job of framing these postcards for you. And your son will be thrilled that you took the time to stitch something for his new apartment.