His shoes are on, the shamrocks are planted, and the little Leprechaun is finally finished!
I used the black Petite Very Velvet from his hat to work the shoes, adding little buckles in tent stitch with Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #002V. The shamrocks were formed with mosaic and tent stitches using DMC floss #910.
Last, but not least, his pot of gold is a definite update from my original model--I used Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #02L, the holographic thread introduced at the beginning of this year. I was aiming for some surface relief to the face of the pot to give it a slightly hammered look and to maximize the twinkle of the holographic thread. So I combined stitches--slanted gobelin, cashmere, and tent stitches--in alternate rows over two threads. My Leprechaun is going to have a hard time hiding this pot of gold with all its sparkle!
Thanks for working him, Anne. I have trouble visualizing what the various parts of these rollup people are, so watching this come to life really helped.
And he's darling, holding on to the bag of gold for dear life.
He's wonderful - very clever use of the Holographic on that pot. I hope you'll show him rolled up.
He looks to me like the kind of fellow who would bury his gold and then go find someone to tell where it is!
Such a well-dressed little fellow! And the pot of gold is definitely glowing with riches. A very nice update. Thanks for sharing the details from the earlier version as well as the new version.
He's so-o-o cute, another great roll up to stitch!
This is adorable, especially with his wink, jaunty clothes, and his sack of treasures. I'd like to see this piece rolled up, too.
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