Hairy little fellow, isn't he? I achieved some major stash-busting in stitching the Leprechaun's hair, beard and sideburns (aka mutton chops), using two strands of DMC Medici wool "imported" from Texas days. One of the benefits of cleaning out my office/studio over the weekend was finding my "hair bag" of old Medici in various colors, and this reddish-brown seemed to be the perfect color for this canvas.
Before I could stitch the French knots for his sideburns, I needed to work the lapel area of his coat. Here I used Petite Very Velvet V623 in basketweave, and finished off the thread in my needle by working the belt on his coat in slanted gobelin stitches.
Another difference in thread choice between my original model and this new version of Leprechaun is the metallic thread I selected: Kreinik #12 tapestry braid. This size of metallic had just been introduced by Kreinik at the time I stitched the model and I hadn't yet tried it--but I'm ever so glad I finally did! The model had used Kreinik #16 medium braid--a little too thick for 18-count canvas, whereas the #8 fine braid was a little too thin. I think the #12 tapestry braid is the Goldilocks of metallic thread for 18-count--just right! I used the #009 in slanted gobelin stitches to trim his hat and the #002V in tent stitches for the hat buckle and in Smyrna crosses for the buttons on his lapel.
Now I can warm up this little fellow by stitching a coat for him!
He's adorable! I like his beard and mutton chops.. also that stylish jacket.
This little guy is simply precious. I love this one! Keep stitchin', I can't wait to see him all finished.
They take on new life when we get the new threads! I can't imagine how I got along without PVV, Kreinik 002V, and #12 braid - among others. This guy looks really fine and mischievous, as well as elegant among wee people.
I love the beard and mutton chops! Can't wait to see how he looks when he is fully dressed in his new fine duds.
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