Cleaning my office/studio, plus painting an order, plus fighting a head cold equals not much stitching time! But I've started in on the little Leprechaun, beginning with his face so I have something cheerful to look at as I progress.
Even at this early stage, I've made some observations about the differences in the way I'm stitching this one versus the way I stitched my model several years ago. In that time, I've "plied down" in my use of cotton floss: using four plies now instead of six, making for a much smoother appearance.
Another switch-- next in my stitching order-- will be in my choice of thread for the Leprechaun's hat--black Petite Very Velvet. I don't think the petite version was even available when I stitched the model. I then used Fleur de Paris fine mesh velour, which was offered in a zillion gorgeous colors, but which has since been discontinued by the manufacturer.
With his little face now basically finished, I can move on to his hat and hair, including a fairly substantial beard!
I'm finding that these changes are good! I have also plied down with the floss to 4 instead of 6, as I started with on the big Celadon I'm trying to finish. (1996) I look forward to the details on this guy.
I love leprechauns. This will be fun to watch. Thanks for the tip on plying down, will remember it for 'next time.'
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