I haven't heard any complaints yet from the little Leprechaun over the speed, or lack thereof, with which I'm getting him dressed! Half a coat is better than no coat at all, right?
Before starting in on the coat itself, I outlined the arms with DMC floss #319 for more definition. I chose Trio "Shamrock"--an appropriate name, don't you think?--in Scotch stitches to give him a nice, warm quilted coat.
At the time I stitched my model, Brown Paper Packages had just introduced Silk & Ivory, a single-ply thread blending 50% wool and 50% silk. A great thread with a wonderful "hand," S & I is terrific in decorative stitches on 18-count canvas but packs a little tightly in basketweave. Brown Paper Packages subsequently introduced Trio, S & I's svelte sister, a strandable three-ply thread. The single ply I'm using here provides more than adequate coverage.
Before I could finish off the hem of his coat, I needed to work on his stockings. I was aiming for a woven look here, so I've combined two stitches--braided knitting and vertical gobelin stitches--in alternate rows two threads wide using four plies of white DMC floss. As soon as I finish his stockings, I can start giving the poor little guy some knee britches!
1 comment:
Very very clever, those stockings!! They do look knitted. I would love to see the comparison between the first one and this to see how your stitching has progressed.
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