I worked on a few remaining details on Judy Harper's Maureen canvas in preparation for attacking the shawl.
I needed to choose a green for the trim on her apron which would coordinate with the thread I'll be using on the shawl. DMC floss #320 blended best, so I worked the top of the apron in a slanted gobelin stitch over two threads and the edges in a stem stitch.
I wanted the shamrocks at the hem of the dress to look embroidered, so I again used the DMC floss #320 in tent stitch to outline them and then filled them in with a satin stitch using DMC floss #319.
Last, but not least, the Celtic cross that Maureen is holding! First I outlined the circle with a stem stitch, then added the spokes of the cross in cashmere stitches, all using Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #002V. The "emerald" at the center of the cross was added with a cross stitch using Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #009.
Only the shawl remains, which I'll hopefully be able to finish by mid-week!
You have done a fabulous job on this - many thanks!!
It truly is fabulous.. beautifully stitched!
You've done just enough with the shamrocks to make them distinctive without actually drawing attention to themselves - well done!
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