Maureen's apron is finished after rows and rows of framed mosaic stitch!
At the hem of the apron is a lovely pattern designed to look like Irish crocheted lace. I began working this area with a row of slanted gobelin stitches over two threads. Next came the interlocking chain pattern in basketweave, followed by another two of slanted gobelin stitches. The "fringe" at the very bottom was worked in a series of Smyrna crosses.
I then went back with the dark green Petite Very Velvet and filled in the areas where the dress peeks through the open areas of the lace. I'll need to find just the right shade of green floss for the edging of the apron so it will blend with the thread I have in mind for the shawl.
Lovely. That's a very successful combination of stitches!
Lovely job on the "crocheted" lace!! I look forward now to the shawl.
Very nicely done. I love your stitching for the apron and lace.
Very pretty! Love the apron!
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