"and all through the house, all the menfolk were eating, except for the spouse." I'm too busy creating a black and white Christmas for me, but it won't happen yet--too much to stitch. But I thought I'd share what I did accomplish, before I exchange stocking presents with my family.
I've finished all the water and the bridge. The bridge was a tricky part to cast, because it called for varying shades to mimic shadows. Trying to stay true to the black-and-white pallette, I decided to use a needle-blending technique using cotton floss.
The background of the bridge is stitched in DMC perle cotton, so I needed six plies of floss to make the stones stand out. Depending on the intensity of the color, I used a combination of either 6/0, 5/1, 4/2 or 3/3 strands of floss in a satin stitch. I didn't maneuver the floss--I let it play out of the needle. I'm happy with the result, and as No. 2 son remarked, "It looks like a sketch." That's what I was going for!
"And I have to remark, as I fly out of sight, 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
YES - it does look like a pen and ink sketch!! good job! - I also love the fact that you are using simple materials and getting great effects. Just plain old cotton floss and some PVV is good - with no "fancy" stitches, which would ruin the art.
GORGEOUS! It is incredible how the threads become the pen/pencil marks on the paper!
Edy in NYC
Merry Christmas to you too :-)
Pierrette =^..^=
very cool...real needlepoint...
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