Two factors influenced my decision on how to stitch the water for the Presque Isle North Pierhead lighthouse. The reflection of the moon on the water appears only on the left side, in single lines, making the use of a decorative stitch to indicate movement next to impossible to compensate. Whatever stitch I used for the left side would have to be the same on the right, and in addition provide the illusion of depth to the water. My solution: to needle-blend the water, just as I had for the sky, and solve both problems at the same time!
I began at the horizon with four plies of DMC floss #312, one of the values in the sky at the very top of the canvas. I then subtracted one ply of DMC #312 and added one ply of DMC #311 as I worked my way down to the bottom of the canvas, ending with four plies of DMC #311.
The reflection of the moon on the water was added in tent stitches with Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #032. All that remains to be stitched is the pier itself, which I should be able to complete by the end of the week!