Friday, February 24, 2012

Up on the roof

The tower and outbuildings of the Bass Harbor Head lighthouse are now finished!

The roof and gallery around the lantern room were worked in DMC #5 perle cotton #310 in a combination of satin and tent stitches. The same thread created the railing at the base of the lighthouse. Kreinik #12 tapestry braid #003 in a single Scotch stitch formed the red beacon.

For the roofs of the outbuildings, I used DMC floss #347 in satin and tent stitches. I used all six plies for these areas, to make the weight of the thread more compatible with the perle cotton that had been used in the white areas.

The grass at the tip of the granite ledge was worked in a slanted gobelin stitch, while the area below the railing was worked in a diagonal mosaic stitch. For a softer appearance, I used Sheep's Silk "Green Leaves Dark" for these two areas.

I think I'll tackle the trees next!

1 comment:

Cool City Stitcher said...

Looking great! Interesting to compare with the first one.